About us

We carry out a full cycle of loss settlement: from a qualified inspection to a legal analysis of the parties' liability. Thanks to our work, the quality of consideration of insurance claims is growing, and the terms are shortened.

Impartiality, objectivity and independence are the main principles that we always follow.

>13 years

On the market


claims settled per year

>20 mlrd ₽

paid annually based on our recommendations


Our specialists work all over the world. To inspect the insured event, they are ready to go to any country and city.

The LABB team is based in Russia and Uzbekistan — in addition to the office in Moscow, we have a branch in Tashkent.

Our office in Uzbekistan


Experienced Team

Our specialists work all over the world. To inspect an insured event, they are ready to travel to any country and city. The LABB team is based in Russia and Uzbekistan - in addition to the office in Moscow, we have a branch in Tashkent.

Our specialists conduct a wide range of examinations, including technically complex losses. For example, in energy, mechanical engineering, mining and chemical industries, as well as in other areas that not every expert can tackle. Cases of settling the largest industry losses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Africa demonstrate the serious professional training of our employees.

LABB is a close-knit team. We know and can do almost everything, and if we don’t know how to do something, we will find experts who will help you find a suitable solution.



Special assessment of working conditions


>140 countries

are in our partner network

We and our partners adhere to high international standards and follow the world's best adjusting practice

We are trusted by leading Russian and foreign insurance, reinsurance and mutual insurance companies


Our partners


IMT Expertiz is a Turkish surveyors company, the experts in adjustment of technically complex losses

Context International

Сontext International is a global network which unites professionals in adjustment of complex losses


Erget Global is a global loss adjusters network, the experts in adjustment of liability, cargo, technical and aviation losses


Schneider-SET GmbH is a German forensic accountant and financial expert company


Integra is a global loss adjusters network, the experts in complex technical losses in particular in oil&gas and mining sectors

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