
This is one of the most common insurance cases in adjuster practice, which most often concerns damage to real estate and property. Typically, fires are caused by a short circuit, arson, welding work, malfunction of electrical appliances, explosion or spontaneous combustion. Damage can be caused by exposure to fire and high temperature, combustion products and the inevitable actions of rescuers during fire extinguishing.

We have experience working with large fires, for example, a fire at a factory with a loss of more than 5 billion rubles, as well as a fire in a trade and exhibition complex with a loss of more than 3.6 billion rubles.

In case of large fires, state authorities are necessarily involved in investigating the causes, but in practice it cannot be done without independent experts and fire laboratories.

The LABB team has its own fire expert who participates in consideration of each such case. First of all, we establish the cause of the fire in order to understand who is responsible for it, and also assess the amount of damage caused. After this, a detailed report is drawn up with the results of the study and recommendations for minimizing losses.


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Loss adjusting

Падение башенного крана при строительстве торгового центра

При строительстве торгового комплекса произошло падение башенного крана, в результате чего был поврежден кран и конструкции строящегося здания. В связи с тем, что договор ...

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