Cyber crime and common reaction

Журнал "Xprimm Insurance Profile", 2015 (английский)

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Labour intensification, new technologies and modern materials are general parts of business development... The same is true about crime development where labour intensification, new technologies and modern materials are also the general parts.
Modern high-end crime is developing as fast as modern economy and business and independently from our opinion and recognition. While most of small
enterprises suppose that they are still far from criminal’s interest, giant businesses believe they have impenetrable IT system.
Both concepts are proved to be wrong in reality. Cyber crime changes methods and tools after each recognition and discovery. Vulnerability appears in the most protected points sometimes.
Cyber attacks performed by use of advanced technologies are more frequent than the banal property theft, while having much more serious consequences.
Luckily, the Russian Federation is far from worldwide leaders in this field, but the number of attacks, as well as losses, real and indirect, becomes more and more significant.
Hundreds of thousands of cases and tens of thousands of recorded crimes occurred over the last 12 months, with the average loss amount per case for corporate market in Russia being around USD 3 to 5 million.
The overall amount of loss for the Russian economy is estimated to about USD 2 billion. Financial companies and industry including the fuel and energy sector are at a major risk.
